As many people know, Ray and I were suppose to have our wedding on October 10th, 2020. We were nervous of course but so excited! Then Covid-19 showed up and put a damper on a lot of special events happening this year for so many people.
The whole year people would ask or tell us "what are you going to do about the wedding?!", "Are you going to cancel it?!", "You should think of a back-up plan just incase..", "you should postpone it.", "I wouldn't count on it this year", "I wouldn't get your hopes up.".
The list goes on and on...
Honestly most of the time I would just say "I don't know" then change the subject. It was hard hearing that there was a high risk of our special day not being able to happen. I mean of course there was ways to make it happen, such as cutting down of the amount of people attending being the big one, and everyone wearing mask the whole time. My family is very small in my eyes but if you know Ray you know he has a big family, and unlike mind he is actually close to all his family, as well as us having a big friend group. Like how do you say.. ok, lets cut all these people from being able to come to our wedding so we can still have it..... I'm sorry but our vision of how our wedding will be involves each one of those people, near and far; why? because they all have impacted and been apart our lives in someway, together or apart. Another big thing would have been that all the friends and family from outside of our Atlantic Bubble would not have been able to attend because of the travel restrictions, many of those people being immediate and close family and closes friends.
It just wouldn't feel right having our ideal wedding without them.
After many months of ignoring questions and/or changing the subject Ray and I sat down and tried to figure out someone... anything. It was upsetting but had to be done, but as most brides know how much effort and time goes into planning a wedding knows how much of a hassle also goes into changing/ postponing one also... Where are all my COVID brides at?!
Then ray said "Whatever happens, in my head I am married that day regardless and will be wearing my ring". Which then lead to me saying "Then why don't we just get legally married this year, and have our wedding next year?"
That was that, we had our backup plan which of course turned into the actual plan, Thank You Covid....
After calling the church, the hall, photographer and dj everything was set for next year for the same day.
We decide for this years marriage we didn't want to just go to the court house, fall is just to nice to miss. Backyard marriage it is! We set up some lights, straw bales, flowers and pumpkins and had our lawyer officiate. We only invited our parents, grand parents, maid of honors and best men (yes we have two of each, deal). My Cousin Nathan's wife Shelley made us a beautiful chocolate cake that looked like a pumpkin and my other cousin Stephanie's Husband Cody came to take a few pictures to remember the day.
For what it was it was great, we also facetimed Ray's older sister Cassie in Toronto, and my two Bridesmaids Janelle (in BC) and Kelsey (in Toronto).
Later in the night neighbors and friends or other family members stopped by for a drink in the garage. It was a blast.
Ray's older sister Cassie Said it best " Doing it this way really truly celebrates the marriage... not the wedding. Everyone gets so wrapped up thinking about the spectacle of the wedding day and all the planning and silly little details.. but they lose sight of what's most important - The Marriage. The wedding is just 8 hours, the marriage is a lifetime. I am so proud of you both for getting married despite not having the spectacle. It means you both truly love each other and that being husband and wife is more important to you than having the 'perfect day'".
We love you and it's 100% true!
We can't thank everyone enough for celebrating our marriage with us. Cheers to next year for the actual wedding if COVID would F off..
Enjoy some pics Cody Bourque got of the day. Follow him of instagram! @codybourque.photo
If you'd like me to send your the picture(s) of you comment :)